Chalcopyrite mining techniques pdf

Adekola and malay kumar ghosh and olushola sunday ayanda and. Use knowledge of characteristic properties to explain how each substance can be separated from the mixture analyze the relationship between their lab investigation and separation techniques in mining explain how their lab investigation is a model for extraction techniques ngss three. March 2017 by chris ralph there are loads of different copper minerals, but a large number of them form first in the ground as chalcopyrite and then through the effects of weathering are changed into other minerals like malachite, cuprite and chrysocolla. As in all mining operations, the ore must usually be beneficiated concentrated. Common in sulfide veins and disseminated in igneous rocks. Polished section from microprobe analysis in reflected light. The anodic dissolution process has been established to be a sevenelectron transfer process under nitrogen in. In this work, we study the froth flotation process of chalcopyrite, with emphasis on the influence of the presence of.

Unlike the system for lead, the copper and cu 2 s melts are nearly. The central role of bacteria in the leaching of copper from lowgrade ore long went unrecognised. The interest in biohydrometallurgy has increased recently in order to minimize the sulfur dioxide emissions, and. This flowchart made of machinery icons explains or expresses in simple but clear terms the step of the copper mining and copper extraction process. Weathering may lead to the formation of malachite, azurite, brochantite, langite and numerous other secondary copper minerals.

Copper occurs in many forms, but the circumstances that control how, when, and where it is deposited are highly variable. Figure 14 shows a psd for the cufeso system at 1 atm so 2 as a function of temperature rosenqvist 1978. This study was carried out to investigate the flotation and leaching behaviour of bornite and chalcopyrite when they are together as principal sulphide minerals. After the ore is crushed, its roasted, which helps to convert sulfides to oxides. While world demand for copper is growing, the minerals industry is increasingly faced with the need to process lowgrade ores, overburden and waste from current mining operations watling, 2006. Mined from open pits, copper ore must be crushed as part of the process that occurs between extraction and production. However, chalcopyrite is much more abundant than the other copperbearing minerals and is far more widely distributed so it remains our most important copper source. Research designed to better understand the geologic. Mineralogical characterization of chalcopyrite bioleaching. Chalcopyrite has a golden yellow color, which often resembles gold. Draft 2 26 kinetics of pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite dissolution by 27 acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans 28 29 abstract 30 the main objective of this study was to investigate the dissolution kinetics of pyrite, 31 pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite.

There are different types of mines to obtain raw material, and it depends on the shape and type of deposits. Recovery of copper from oxide copper ore by flotation and leaching kiraz, emirhan m. In many societies copper was the first known metal to be widely worked, and for over six thousand years copper mining has remained a crucial industry. It can be used to enhance our perception and to awaken inner sight. The oxidative leaching of chalcopyrite in ammoniacal solutions has been evaluated using electroanalytical techniques and controlled bulk leaching studies. Some gold, silver, and the six platinumgroup metals also are present, and their recovery is important. Processing and characterization of chalcopyrite cufes2 sample. This project was completed mainly through the use of questionnaire sent to subcontractors in almost each country of the eu. Oct 24, 2012 grinding mediachalcopyrite interaction on the selfinduced flotation of chalcopyrite coppercobalt ores. Some chalcopyrite ores contain significant amounts of zinc substituting for iron. Some pits operate at a rate of more than 100,000 tpd. Chalcopyrite, also called peacock ore is an uplifting stone, it grounds nervous energy which allows the body and mind to let go of stress and become calm. Biotechnology is an area that has produced a considerable increase in recent years, mainly because occurrence of microbiological techniques and molecular biology. Mining operations, which usually follow ore discovery by many.

Mining of chalcopyrite once the chalcopyrite concentrate containing copper and chalcopyrite is a common mineral and is found in almost other metals of value such as gold silver has been pro all sulfide deposit and is often disseminated through igne duced the. Having a quick look now at how porphyry ores are treated and the metals extracted. Techniques for iron recovery from chalcopyrite cufes. Chalcopyrite removes energy blockages, cleansing, activating and aligning the chakras and energy bodies at the same time. Chalcopyrite loses its surface metallic luster and brassyellow color when it weathers, changing to a dull, graygreen color. Leaching of primary copper sulfide ore in chlorideferrous. The principal copper ore mineral is chalcopyrite cufes 2, which is commonly smelted to yield a matte containing. Copper processing is a complicated process that begins with mining of the ore less than 1% copper and ends with sheets of 99.

Chalcopyrite is the most important and major source of copper metal. However, its physical properties such as streak and tenacity are very different from gold and can easily distinguish it. Leaching chalcopyrite is the holy grail for hydrometallurgists leachers, difficult to leach as the sulfur forms a layer over the mineral and makes the leaching slow. To assess this information and to extrapolate to the next twenty years, this approach has been reinforced using published. Using available techniques, some of the gold can be recovered directly as a gold concentrate, with, for example, gravity techniques in the grinding circuit, but usually significant quantities remain within the copper concentrate. Selective separation of metallic phases from chalcopyrite. Using todays compact mining equipment, copper ore is extracted from the mine. Adekola and malay kumar ghosh and olushola sunday ayanda and rafiu b. In metallurgical applications, chalcopyrite is mainly subjected to pyrometallurgy treatment after concentration by a flotation process 3,4. Studies of the sulphides in the bestknown of all layered basic intrusions, the bushveld complex, also show a. So, as time passes, the cost of mining tend to goes up and this was the case. Analyze the relationship between their lab investigation and separation techniques in mining explain how their lab investigation is a model for extraction techniques.

Chalcopyrite cufes 2 is the most important copper ore, comprising approximately 70% of copper reserves in the world 1,2. The most economically important mineral in porphyry copper deposits. Processing of copper ores copper processing is a complicated process that begins with mining of the ore less than 1% copper and ends with sheets of 99. Treating chalcopyrite flotation concentrates by hydrometallurgical techniques seems to be the. International journal of mining engineering and mineral processing 2012, 11. The minerals industry now stands to gain from the application of novel methods of microbiological technology. Microscopy applied to mineral dressing, colo school mines 56, pp. Starting from either openpit or underground mining and using a different relevant treatment method for oxide or sulphide copper mineral ore. Chalcopyrite, cufes 2, is the dominant copper mineral in these ores, with small amounts of another copper mineral, cubanite, cufe 2 s 3. It is also readily available, with quality specimens being surprisingly affordable.

The main objective was to determine an optimal bacterial consortium from several bacterial strains to obtain copper from the. Chalcopyrite is a brassyellow mineral with a chemical composition of cufes 2. Quick navtop about chalcopyrite group chemical properties relationships other information chalcopyrite group in petrology references internet links mineral andor locality is an outreach project of the hudson institute of mineralogy, a 501c3 notforprofit organization. Chalcopyrite healing properties, crystal meanings feel. The techniques for extraction of copper from oxidized ores are quite different from those employed for the sulfide ores. Surface mines are typically used for more shallow and less valuable deposits. Gold can be present in the copper concentrate as free gold particles or in solid solution in the chalcopyrite itself. The rate of chemical reaction at the interface is much faster than the rate of. Analysis of the oxidation of chalcopyrite,chalcocite. Placer mining is used to sift out valuable metals from sediments in river channels, beach sands, or other environments. Germaniumrich chalcopyrite from the barrigao remobilised. Outstanding localities for chalcopyrite include in the united states, mexico, peru, canada, slovakia, the czech republic, germany, norway, japan, and south africa.

The objective of this study was to 85 investigate the dissolution kinetic mechanisms of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and 86 compare the bioleaching rates in the presence of a. Cobalt depression can be enhanced by small cyanide dosages. In the presence of silica flux, iron is selectively oxidized to a slag. Heap leaching is a tried and tested mining technique enabling the processing of different kinds of ores which could not otherwise be exploited under viable economic conditions. All about chalcopyrite icmjs prospecting and mining journal.

In the absence of a collector, chalcopyrite floated significantly better. The ore is extracted with explosives and manually carried in plastic bags or loaded on hand drawn carriages and pushedoutofthetunnels. The sulphides in these deposits pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and, in some cases, pyrite are regarded as having formed by the crystallization of an immiscible sulphide melt that separated from the main silicate melt. Chalcopyrite is a brassy yellow mineral with the chemical composition cufes2, or copper iron sulfide. Bacterial consortium for copper extraction from sulphide. White moncheite with chalcopyrite orange, blue and violet tarnishing colors in silicate matrix. Chalcopyrite is commonly found in hydrothermal veins, stockworks, disseminations, massive replacements, mafic igneous exsolutions, and as a sedimentary mineral in reducing and.

If the ore is primarily sulfide copper minerals such as chalcopyrite, the ore is crushed and ground to liberate the valuable minerals from the waste gangue minerals. A znrich variety is known from atlantis ii deep see zincian chalcopyrite. It is widely spread copperiron sulfide mineral with chemical formula cufes 2. The oxidized ores, consisting of the silicates, carbonates and sulfates, are treated by several methods, all involving some form of leaching of the crushed ore with sulfuric acid to produce impure solutions of copper sulfate.

Hence, different leaching techniques for copper sulfide ores, especially chalcopyrite, need to be investigated in the future. Chalcopyrite is a beautiful mineral, with good crystals being fairly common. Bench scale flotation performance was examined both in the absence and in the presence of a collector, pex. The types of mining can be grouped into surface mining and subsurface mining. The popular image of a prospector with a gold pan, pickax and shovel is one that comes to mind when people think of gold prospectors. Lukkulaisvaara ultrabasic massif, olanga oulanka river, oulanka plutonic complex, karelia republic, northern region, russia. Xray diffraction xrd and scanning electronic microscope sem techniques where applied. The most common types of ore, copper oxide and copper sulfide, undergo two different processes, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy, respectively, due. The mining industry is looking forward for bacterial consortia for economic extraction of copper from lowgrade ores. The mining rate is greater than 20,000 tonnes per day tpd but is usually much greater. These tests are part of a broader bureau of mines research program to develop methods of controlling the oxidation of sulfide ores in underground mines, thus. Mining of chalcopyrite chalcopyrite is a common mineral and is found in almost all sulfide deposit and is often disseminated through igneous rock haver and wang, 1971. It is one that is used as the logo for yukoncharley rivers national preserve on many items, including patches, pins and tshirts figure 1.

Usgs mineral resources program coppera metal for the ages. The processing techniques depend on the nature of the ore. If the cobalt is found with chalcopyrite, bulk flotation can be carried out with xanthate at ph 10, and copper extraction techniques wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The two industries ranked together as the primary or basic industries of early civilization.

Others contain enough silver or gold that the precious metal content more than pays the costs of mining. Chalcopyrite is the name given to the copper iron sulphide mineral. Mining of large deposits over an extensive area requires one of a variety of extraction methods. Chalcopyrite is the most abundant and economically significant. In mining exploration, experts use additional techniques to determine the possible size. Chapter 6 copper production technology the last boomin technological innovation for the copper industry occurred in the first two decades of this century, whenopen pit mining, flo tation concentration,and the reverberatory smelter were adapted to porphyry copper ores. It is found in most sulfide mineral deposits around the world.

As a result, copper occurs in many different minerals. From the greek, chalkos, copper hence copper pyrite. Abstract chalcopyrite ores are usually processed by means of hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical processes, but due to environmental aspects and the possibility of increased exploitation of mixed and lower grade ores and relatively small isolated. The 32 kinetics of dissolution was investigated by monitoring ph and fe. Chalcopyrite is the most abundant and economically significant of the copper minerals. Modern day heap leaching, which has a relatively low level of energy consumption, is for example. It occurs in most sulfide mineral deposits throughout the world and has been the most important ore of copper for thousands of years the surface of chalcopyrite loses its metallic luster and brassyellow color upon weathering. Pdf improving of copper extraction from chalcopyrite by using nacl. Grinding mediachalcopyrite interaction on the selfinduced flotation of chalcopyrite coppercobalt ores. Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.

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